
Most of us know that vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand. That is because vitamin D aids in the proper absorption of calcium in our bodies. This is the reason why milk is commonly fortified with vitamin D or else the calcium in the milk would not get absorbed by the body. Patients with hyperparathyroidism, high level of calcium in the blood, often find that their vitamin D level is affected as well.

Hyperparathyroidism & Vitamin D

The high level of calcium in the blood of patients with hyperparathyroidism causes the body to try to rid itself of the excess calcium. It will also try to stop the absorption of calcium in the intestines by limiting the body’s vitamin D level. This drop in vitamin D limits how much calcium the body is absorbing. The most common issue concerning vitamin D in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism is that they will have high parathyroid hormone levels and a high calcium level in conjunction with a low vitamin D level. For these patients with hyperparathyroidism and low vitamin D, they will experience the following effects that those with hyperparathyroidism and normal vitamin D will not:

  • More frequent bone fractures
  • Larger parathyroid tumors (adenomas)
  • Higher PTH level
  • More markers of bone turnover
  • Treating Low Vitamin D

Studies have shown that patients who have primary hyperparathyroidism and a low level of vitamin D may benefit from taking vitamin D supplements in order to bring the vitamin D level to a normal range. This may lower the PTH while improving bone density. It is crucial, though, that any vitamin D therapy be done with the advice and close monitoring of your physician.

Treatment for Hyperparathyroidism

All in all, it is important to seek treatment for hyperparathyroidism no matter your vitamin D level. The high level of calcium in the blood caused by the overactive glands can have detrimental long-term effects on the kidneys, bones, muscles, and other organs. Many patients will live with hyperparathyroidism for quite some time without knowing they have the condition. When symptoms do present, most patients benefit greatly from the removal of the abnormal parathyroid gland(s).

In a procedure known as a minimally invasive parathyroidectomy, Babak Larian, MD, FACS uses endoscopic technology and a small incision to remove the affected parathyroid gland. Through the use of intra-operative PTH testing, he can be certain the procedure is successful before closing up the incision. Most patients who were experiencing symptoms of the condition prior to surgery, experience great relief almost immediately following.

Learn More About Parathyroid Disorders Today

If you have any questions about the connection between hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D levels, or are living with the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism, contact Dr. Larian at the Center for Advanced Parathyroid Surgery today by calling 310-461-0300 to schedule a consultation.

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