Hyperparathyroidism and Emotions

Hyperparathyroidism and Emotions

In addition to affecting a patient’s physical health, parathyroid disease can have far-flung effects on mental wellbeing. The good news is, with proper testing and diagnosis, a patient can treat both the physical and mental health effects of hyperparathyroidism...

Sestamibi Scan for Parathyroid Disease

A sestamibi scan is used to evaluate the function of the parathyroid glands; these four glands are located in the neck and help manage the body’s calcium levels. To better understand the impact of a sestamibi scan, let’s examine this parathyroid gland...
What Is a Parathyroid Localization Scan?

What Is a Parathyroid Localization Scan?

A parathyroid localization scan can be used to identify a defective parathyroid gland. The scan can play a vital role in the planning and surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism (HPT).   Localization studies are purely used for locating the abnormal gland or glands,...
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